Hello, I’m David Moss, a painter living near Bath, UK.
My ground zero is abstracted urban, rural and industrial landscapes. The human influence on and relationship with landscape, remembering that human is nature. Big questions - through painting I can slip into another place of awareness - attention, presence, flow. The paintings are part of a process, ongoing exploration, often beginning rough and sketchy or working over a previous idea or some randomly applied surface texture, maybe inducing chaos and accidents as a starting point. Then over-layering, scraping back, re-applying materials and gradually identifying an essence, a conversation and refining it, bringing it out as best I can.
The breadth of visual possibility seems to increase, so many themes and ideas, many of them half-baked and unresolved, such (I find) is this process of inquiry and exploration. I can barely define some of the themes, but I’d say that all are connected in some way with “The Sublime”, a kind of nature magic which occurs through being out in the environment painting, drawing or otherwise creating in and from landscapes. Widening the sublime to working with the elements and seasons: wind, rain and frost impacting on the surfaces of my explorations.
And then… the sublime inner landscapes - making visible an unseen essence, also in an actual sense - working on slate making abstracted observations of once-hidden crystals, azurite, ruby, zoicite, green strawberry quartz – the most intense and vivid colours imaginable, yet having formed and lain hidden in darkness for many millions of years.
And then… the sublime reimagined and reimaged from the architecture and decoration of sacred spaces, El Alhambra in Granada, a ruined mausoleum in Bath, Rosslyn Chapel, York Minster along with the associated traditions and legends - the Green Man / Goddess archetype, and El Khidr - The Green One, mysterious figure of Islamic and Sufi paths.
And then…
Areas of Interest
Landscape - Abstraction - The Sublime Themes - work influenced by green man iconography, natural and eastern spirituality.
David is also a professional musician, see www.lightgardenmusic.co.uk
BA Fine Art + Music: Leeds University, Bretton Hall.
David’s work has been exhibited in Germany, Edinburgh, Bristol, Bath, Newcastle, London, Wiltshire, Ripon Cathedral and various galleries in North Yorkshire where he lived for many years. A Corsham Print Prize winner he has a home studio gallery in Trowbridge near Bath, where visitors are welcome by arrangement.